EU Governments Set to Approve Controversial Chat Control with User “Consent”

  • Last updated May 23, 2024
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A new proposal by the Belgian Minister of the Interior could see EU governments endorse the highly controversial Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR), also known as chat control, as early as June. Leaked information, disclosed by Pirate Party MEP and shadow rapporteur Patrick Breyer, reveals the potential for significant changes in how digital communications are monitored across the European Union.

The proposal mandates that users of apps with communication functions agree via terms and conditions or pop-up messages to have all images and videos they send automatically scanned and potentially reported to the EU and police.

This would require integrating monitoring backdoors into currently secure end-to-end encrypted messenger services. The Belgians argue that their ‘upload moderation’ scheme is distinct from the criticized ‘client-side scanning,’ yet it essentially aims to perform similar functions.

According to the proposal, users who do not consent to the scanning of their private photos and videos will still be able to send text messages but will lose the ability to share images and videos.

The scanning algorithms are designed to detect known child sexual abuse material (CSAM) as well as unknown images and videos flagged as potentially suspicious by artificial intelligence technology. The proposal also removes the scanning of text messages for grooming indications and audio communication scanning, which have seen minimal use.

When first presented on May 8, the proposal garnered unexpected support from several previously critical governments. The proposal is set to be discussed again on May 24, with EU interior ministers meeting shortly after the European elections, where they could endorse the draft legislation.

  • Proposal for Chat Control: The Belgian Interior Minister could see EU governments endorse the Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR) by June, requiring automatic scanning of all images and videos sent via communication apps.
  • Privacy Concerns: Critics, including MEP Patrick Breyer, warn the proposal undermines digital privacy and secure encryption, potentially exposing private photos to unauthorized access.
  • Public Reaction: With the regulation gaining support, users are turning to the best VPN to protect their communications. Breyer highlights the risks to fundamental rights and online security.

Patrick Breyer, MEP and prominent opponent of chat control, issued a stark warning: “The leaked Belgian proposal means that the essence of the EU Commission’s extreme and unprecedented initial chat control proposal would be implemented unchanged. Using messenger services purely for texting is not an option in the 21st century. And removing excesses that aren’t being used in practice anyway is a sham.”

As EU governments move closer to approving the controversial Chat Control regulation, many users concerned about their privacy are turning to the best VPN for WhatsApp to safeguard their communications. These VPNs help ensure their private messages and media remain secure amidst increasing surveillance.

As the debate intensifies, the future of digital privacy and security within the EU hangs in the balance, with potential implications for millions of users across the continent.

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