Windows 11’s New “Recall” Feature: Privacy Concerns Explained

  • Last updated May 22, 2024
  • written by
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Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 11, introduces the new feature Recall, designed to enhance system reliability and user convenience by allowing users to revert to previous versions of features or settings.

However, this new feature aims to capture user data by taking screenshots, raising privacy concerns. It is essential to understand its privacy and data security implications.

This guide explores the workings of the new feature Recall, the data it interacts with, and the privacy concerns it raises. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of the benefits and precautions associated with this innovative feature.

Briefly Explained Windows 11 New Feature Recall

Recall is an AI tool that takes constant screenshots of your computer activity to help you remember and understand everything you do. This allows for advanced semantic search capabilities, enabling users to recreate and revisit past digital moments.

The data is stored locally on your device, giving you full control over your privacy, with options to delete snapshots, adjust time ranges, and filter apps and websites.

Purpose and Functionality

The primary purpose of the new feature Recall is to enhance user control and system stability. By enabling users to roll back changes, it minimizes disruptions caused by software updates or configuration adjustments.

This feature works by maintaining a record of previous versions of system features and settings, which can be reinstated if the current setup leads to issues or dissatisfaction.

Key Benefits

  • Improved system stability.
  • Enhanced user control.
  • Time-saving solution.
  • Increased confidence in updates.

How does the “Recall” Feature work?

Here’s how it activates and works:

  1. Initial Setup: When a new feature is introduced or an update is applied, Windows 11 automatically creates a snapshot of the current system settings and features.
  2. Monitoring Changes: The system continuously monitors changes made by updates or user modifications.
  3. Accessing the Recall Feature: If an issue arises, users can access the New Feature Recall through the Settings menu.
  4. Selecting a Snapshot: Users can choose from a list of previous snapshots, each representing a different point in time before recent changes were made.
  5. Reverting Changes: Once a snapshot is selected, the system reverts to the settings and features saved in that snapshot, effectively undoing the recent changes.
  6. Confirmation and Restart: The system prompts the user to confirm the rollback and may require a restart to apply the changes.

  • Enabling the Feature: By default, the New Feature Recall is enabled in Windows 11. Users can verify or change this setting by navigating to the Settings menu, then to Update & Security, and finally to the Backup or Recovery section.
  • Customizing Snapshots: Users can customize how frequently snapshots are taken and manage the storage space allocated for these backups.

Recall Feature Sparks Spying Concerns

After Microsoft Chief Satya Nadella recently introduced ‘Recall’, social media was heated up with concern that this new feature is spying on our data. Although it aims to enhance the user experience by recreating past digital moments, taking constant screenshots wasn’t much appreciated by users.

The announcement draws criticism from Elon Musk, who stated to turn off this feature:

The reason this tweet is causing chaos is that there is a concern that if the data collected by Recall is not properly secured, it could be exploited by malicious actors, leading to potential breaches of privacy and security.

Numerous concerns have been raised, but VPNRanks will clarify if ‘Recall’ is actually a threat to privacy. Understanding what data is collected, used, and shared empowers users to protect their personal information and maintain control over their digital footprint. This awareness also fosters trust and transparency between users and service providers.



What Data is Collected?

Microsoft is collecting details about system settings, installed applications, and their configurations. And the information on how the system and applications are used, including frequency and duration of use.

How is the Data Collected?

The data is collected through various methods integrated into the Windows 11 operating system. These methods include:

  • Automated Snapshots: The system periodically takes snapshots of system configurations and settings.
  • Telemetry Services: Usage and diagnostic data are automatically gathered and transmitted through telemetry services.

How is the Data Used?

After data collection, your data will be used for certain purposes. Understanding how features are used allows Microsoft to enhance functionality and address common issues.

Why is the data used by Microsoft?

Microsoft uses the collected data to analyze system performance. Below are the reason why Microsoft needs your data.

  • Feature Improvement: Analyzing collected data to refine and improve system functionalities.
  • Bug Fixes and Updates: Using diagnostic information to develop patches and updates.
  • Personalization: Leveraging usage data to personalize user experiences, though this raises additional privacy concerns.

Is Data Shared with Third Parties?

Third-party sharing is the practice of a company sharing your data with external organizations or partners.

  • Limited Sharing: Aggregated and anonymized data may be shared for research and development.
  • Service Providers: Data might be shared with third-party providers assisting in data analysis or system improvements under confidentiality agreements.

Control Over Shared Data

To protect user identities Microsoft has some restrictions and control over shared data.

  • Anonymization: Data shared with third parties is typically anonymized to protect user identities.
  • Transparency: Microsoft provides transparency reports detailing data-sharing practices and involved partners.

What are User Control and Rights?

While there are privacy concerns associated with Windows 11’s ‘Recall’ feature, it is important to note that Microsoft has implemented significant measures to provide users with control and rights over their data. Microsoft announced that Recall will store data locally on users’ devices, ensuring privacy. It emphasizes that users are always in control of their privacy.

Here’s how Microsoft allows users to maintain control:

  • Settings Control: Users can manage data collection settings through the privacy section in the Settings menu, with options to opt in or opt out.
  • Telemetry Levels: Users can select the level of telemetry data collection, ranging from basic to full.

Data Access and Deletion Rights

Microsoft has allowed users to access the data collected by the Recall feature, ensuring transparency and control over their personal information.

  • Data Access: Users can access their collected data via the Microsoft privacy dashboard.
  • Data Deletion: Users can request deletion of their data through the privacy dashboard, with options to delete specific data points or all data associated with their account.

Redditor Heated Up Discussion On Windows 11 New AI Feature

After the news came out about a new Windows AI feature called Recall, this sparked privacy concerns among Redditors. Some people are worried that Microsoft will use this information to track users or that it could be leaked in a data breach.

There is concern that Microsoft will use this data to train their models or share it with others.  Even though Microsoft says the data stays on the local machine, there is no guarantee that it will not be uploaded to the cloud in the future.

While others argue that the feature can be turned off, some people believe that Microsoft will eventually turn the feature on by default, even if it is currently opted-in.

Overall, users are concerned that Recall is a privacy invasive feature that could be used to collect sensitive data about them.


The Recall feature in Windows 11 represents a significant leap in leveraging AI to enhance user productivity and the digital experience. By offering advanced semantic search capabilities and the ability to recreate past digital moments, Recall provides users with a powerful tool to manage their activities.

However, it is crucial for users to remain vigilant about privacy, taking full advantage of the robust controls provided by Microsoft to manage and secure their data. Balancing innovation with privacy, Recall showcases the potential of AI while emphasizing the importance of user control and data security.