Eric Schmidt’s Alarming Prediction: Future AI Systems to Be Contained in Military Bases

  • Last updated June 13, 2024
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Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has declared that the most powerful AI systems of the future will need to be contained within military bases due to their potentially dangerous capabilities. Schmidt stated, “The capabilities of these AI systems will be so dangerous that they must be contained within military bases to prevent misuse or unintended consequences.”


Schmidt’s comments highlight the extraordinary power of future AI systems, which he suggests could be so advanced and potentially hazardous that only secure, military-controlled environments would suit their operation. “The capabilities of these AI systems will be so dangerous,” Schmidt emphasized, “that they must be contained within military bases to prevent misuse or unintended consequences.”

This sentiment echoes the warnings of other tech visionaries and AI experts. Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic, previously joked about AI data centers near nuclear power plants and bunkers, indicating the immense power and potential danger associated with advanced AI systems. The comparison to Pandora’s box is not far off, as the race to achieve AI superiority could have profound impacts on global power dynamics.


The announcement has sparked intense debate online. One user commented, “This reminds me of Dario Amodei’s joke about AI data centers needing to be next to bunkers.” Another remarked, “It’s not a monster you contain, it’s non-local. What difference does it make where it is spatially?

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt says the most powerful AI systems of the future will have to be contained in military bases because their capability will be so dangerous
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Eric Schmidt’s statement has undoubtedly shaken the tech world, highlighting the urgent need for robust security measures as we advance towards more powerful AI systems.

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