Reading Time: 9 minutes
Surfshark-on-Router-in-Hong Kong

If you’re in the market for a super affordable VPN that can be easily configured on your router, then Surfshark is all that you need.

Configuring the best VPN for Hong Kong on your router is an effective way to enhance your online security. In our case, if you use the Surfshark router combination, then Surfshark will protect all devices connected to that router and the data you receive and send on those devices.

This means that when you learn how to install Surfshark on router, the router protects every device you connect to it. As a result, you do not need separate VPN apps for every device, and the VPN security is also extended to devices that do not natively support VPNs – be it Smart TVs, Roku, Kodi, or more.

This article will provide you with an easy guide to configuring Surfshark on your routers. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

How to Install Surfshark on Router in Hong Kong

Follow the steps below on how to add Surfshark to router:

1. Launch the configuration panel of your router. You can access it by inserting the IP address of your router in your browser, exactly like you enter a URL.

If you don’t know your router’s IP address, find it using the steps below:

  • For macOS users:
    • From the Apple menu, launch ‘System Preferences.’
    • Then, click ‘Network.’
    • From Network, select Wi-Fi > Advanced… > TCP/IP.
    • Next to Router, you’ll find your router’s IP address displayed.
  • If you use Windows 10:
    • Launch the ‘Smart menu,’ type, and select ‘Command Prompt.’
    • A console prompt will appear on your screen. Type ‘ipconfig’ and click ‘Enter.’
    • You will see your router’s IP address on the Default Gateway line.

2. Look for the VPN client tab. You will usually find it under your router’s advanced settings. However, its location can only be determined by its brand and model. Click around to find it.

If you don’t find it, it means your router is incompatible with VPNs. There’s nothing to worry about, as most routers can be turned to VPN-compatible ones using some firmware (We hope this helps you with your ‘Can I install Surfshark on my router?’ query).

3. Follow the guidelines of your VPN client. Following are the instructions for Surfshark-supported routers like Asus, DD-WRT, and Tomato routers.

4. Ensure that the VPN protects your connection. To do this, you just need to use the VPNRanks’ IP checker tool and check if it’s displaying a different location than your residence. If not, then go through all the steps above to confirm you followed the exact guide, or contact Surfshark’s customer support.

How to Set Up Surfshark on Asus Routers in Hong Kong

Here’s how you can install Surfshark on your Asus routers. This method is useful if you want to secure all your devices connected to Wi-Fi in one go as Surfshark is one of the best VPN for multiple devices. However, before we start, we recommend you subscribe to Surfshark and get a router with AsusWRT firmware:

Get your login details:

Surfshark account and service credentials differ from each other, namely your email ID and password. You will require Surfshark service’s credentials for connecting to the VPN through the manual OpenVPN setup mentioned in the guide below:

1. Click here to find the details that are needed for a manual connection. You might require signing in to access this page. Insert your email ID and password, and click Log In.


2. Then, choose OpenVPN as your protocol. Tap on Credentials at the top. You’ll find the service credentials of Surfshark there. Keep the page open, as you might need it later.


Select a server of Surfshark:

Every server location comes with a configuration file that you require to connect to the VPN. All configuration files can be downloaded using Surfshark’s site.

1. Visit the following page. It’s the same where Surfshark’s service credentials are available.

2. Ensure selecting the Locations tab. From there, you’ll be able to view all the servers of Surfshark.


3. You’ll require an OpenVPN configuration file for your chosen location. For connecting to in Hong Kong, you need to download files of in Hong Kong – Dallas servers, etc., by clicking on the location > Download UDP for downloading the file.


Set up the OpenVPN client:

The next step is to learn how to install Surfshark on router. For this, you need to set up the OpenVPN client on your Asus router before connecting to the VPN:

1. Connect to your Asus router’s Control Panel. You can do it by inserting your Default Gateway address in your browser’s URL bar. Mostly, it’s by default.

2. You’ll see a login prompt, then. If you’ve previously never configured your router, the credentials should be admin (without a password) or admin/admin. Also, check the back of your router for default credentials.


3. In the Control Panel, you’ll see a VPN tab on the left.


4. From there, click on VPN Client > Add Profile.


5. Now click on the OpenVPN tab and enter:

  • Description: You can choose whatever name you want to give to your VPN
  • Username: Enter your Surfshark username
  • Password: Enter your Surfshark password

6. You now have to add configuration files of your desired VPN server. Tap on ‘Choose File.’ You’ll find a prompt on your screen requesting to select the configuration file you want to use.


7. Choose the directory where you downloaded all the configuration files and click Open (Choose the .ovpn fileif you have that).


8. Once you choose the configuration file, tap Upload, and you’ll then see a message mentioning ‘Complete’ if the action was successful.

9. Click the OK button after file import is completed. Leave the Import the CA file or edit the .ovpn file manually unchecked.


10. This will create a new connection with the name you gave in the description. Click on Activate button to connect your Asus router to the desired Surfshark server. Please note that you can only configure a single connection at a time. If you want to configure another one, you need to add another profile (you’ll see a button for that).


11. A blue tick will appear in the Connection Status, indicating a successful connection.

Ensure that the connection was successful:

After you’ve learned how to install Surfshark on the router and implemented that, we highly recommend checking if the connection was successful. You can easily do that by conducting an IP/DNS leak test.

The steps above should get Surfshark properly configured on your router in no time. Now you’ll never have to worry about enabling this reliable VPN every time before streaming Netflix with Surfshark. You can check out our Surfshark not working guide for common troubleshooting steps if something goes wrong.

How to Install Surfshark on DD-WRT Routers in Hong Kong

This guide will tell you how to configure Surfshark on a DD-WRT router. This can be helpful if you own devices that do not natively support VPNs or you desire to secure all your devices connected to your Wi-Fi.

However, please note that your DD-WRT router should have a minimum flash memory of 8 MBs for maintaining the connection.

Before we start, ensure that you have a Surfshark subscription. If not, then click here to subscribe to Surfshark.

Get your login details:

Since the service credentials of Surfshark differ from their account credentials, you need the service credentials for connecting to the VPN using the manual OpenVPN configuration.

Here’s how you can get Surfshark service credentials:

1. Click on this page to find out all the information needed for a manual connection. You may need to log into the page using your email ID and password first.

2. 2. Then, choose OpenVPN as your protocol. Click the Credentials tab and find your Surfshark service credentials present there. Keep the page open, as you may need the credentials later.

Select a server of Surfshark:

Every Surfshark server location has a hostname that you use on the router for connecting to a specific server.

Click on the Locations tab to access all server locations with their hostnames. Copy the hostname of the location you want to configure on your router to use it later.

You can find the hostname by clicking on your desired location. If you want to connect to Austria, click on the Austria – Vienna location and copy its server address from the following prompt.


Set up the OpenVPN client:

Now, you need to learn how to add Surfshark to router. For this, you need to set up the OpenVPN client on your router before you connect to the VPN:

1. To start, open your router’s control panel. You can do it by entering your router’s IP address in the URL bar of your browser. Mostly, the IP address for a DD-WRT router is

If it doesn’t work, try any of the following:

  • Buffalo routers:
  • Linksys/Asus routers:
  • Motorola and others:

2. Next, you need to configure the DNS servers of Surfshark. Within the control panel of DD-WRT, launch the Setup tab > Network Address Server Settings (DHCP). Then, insert the following details:

    1. Static DNS 1 =
    2. Static DNS 2 =
    3. Static DNS 2 = (default)
    4. Use DNSMasq for DHCP = Checked
    5. Use DNSMasq for DNS = Checked
    6. DHCP-Authoritative = Checked


When these values are entered, as shown above, click Save and Apply Settings.

3. Click on the Service tab > VPN > navigate the OpenVPN Client > click Enable.


4. Then, enter the information as shown below:

    • Server IP/Name: Enter the server address (hostname) of the previously chosen server location.
    • Port: 1194;
    • Tunnel Device: TUN;
    • Tunnel Protocol: UDP;
    • Encryption Cipher: None;
    • Hash Algorithm: SHA-512;
    • User Pass Authentication: Enable;
    • Username: Your Surfshark service username;
    • Password: Your Surfshark service password

Note: If there are no username and password fields, enter the other details mentioned above and then skip to step 5.

    • Advanced Options = Enable (this will enable additional options)
    • TLS Cipher: None;
    • LZO Compression: Disabled;
    • NAT: Enable

Keep all other fields not mentioned in this list unchanged.


If there are username and password fields in this setup screen, navigate to Administration > Commands and enter the following command:

 PASSWORD" > /tmp/openvpncl/user.conf
 /usr/bin/killall openvpn
 /usr/sbin/openvpn --config /tmp/openvpncl/openvpn.conf --route-up /tmp/openvpncl/ --down-pre /tmp/openvpncl/ --daemon

Note: Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with the service credentials provided to you by Surfshark, then click Save Startup and return to the VPN tab.

Enter the following commands in Additional Config:

auth-user-pass /tmp/openvpncl/user.conf

Within the Additional Config field, insert the following commands:

remote-cert-tls server
 tun-mtu 1500
 tun-mtu-extra 32
 mssfix 1450
 reneg-sec 0
 cipher AES-256-GCM
 auth SHA512
 log /tmp/vpn.log

5. Then, copy the Certificate from below and paste it into the CA Cert field. Don’t forget to copy the —-BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and —–END CERTIFICATE—- lines as well.


6. Copy the text of the Static Key and paste it into the TLS Auth Key. Also, copy the ——BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1 ——- and ——- END OpenVPN Static Key V1 ——- lines.

-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
 -----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----

7. Click Save and Apply Settings.

Connect to Surfshark:

Once you click Apple Settings, your DD-WRT router will connect automatically to Surfshark VPN. To disconnect from it, visit Services > VPN > OpenVPN Client, and click on disable. For reconnecting, click on enable again.

To ensure a successful connection, visit Status and then OpenVPN. You’ll see the following if the connection was successful:


While you may find Surfshark router guides that would be pretty technical, our step-by-step guide on how to install Surfshark on router will help you install the VPN without leaving you stressed.

We highly advise using the OpenVPN client on your router to install Surfshark due to its convenience and simple setup as Surfshark provides best OpenVPN services. However, you can also set up Surfshark’s Wireguard protocol on your router.

How to Install Surfshark on Tomato Routers in Hong Kong

Tomato is another open-source router firmware that does not enjoy as wide support on devices as DD-WRT. To make sure your router is compatible with Tomato, visit this article.

Get your login details:

For installing Surfshark on Tomato routers, you find need to get Surfshark’s service credentials. Since these differ from your regular account credentials, here’s how you can find them:

1. Visit this page. It contains all details needed to set up a manual connection. You may have to log into this page using your email address and password first.

2. Then, choose OpenVPN as your protocol.

2. After that, click on the Credentials tab and find your service username and password there. Don’t close the page just yet, as you may need it later.

Select a server of Surfshark:

For connecting a server to the router, you need to use the hostname of a specific location.

1. Click on the Locations tab beside Credentials to find the entire list of server locations and their hostnames. You need to copy the hostname of whichever server you want to use later.

2. To find hostnames, you need to click on the server of your choice. For example, if you want to choose a server in Greece, you need to click on Greece – Athens server and copy the server address of that server. Then, within the same prompt, click ‘Download UDP’ to download its configuration file.


Set up the OpenVPN client:

Now, you need to configure the OpenVPN client on your router to install Surfshark:

1. Sign into your Tomato router via your browser.

2, Now, click on VPN > OpenVPN Client.


3. Click the Basic tab on the top left and enter the following information:

    • Start with WAN: Checked;
    • Interface Type: TUN;
    • Protocol: UDP or TCP;
    • Server Address: Enter the server address of the server you previously jotted down.
    • Port: 1194 if you selected UDP or 1443 for TCP connection;
    • Firewall: Automatic;
    • Authorization mode: TLS;
    • Username/Password Authentication: Checked;
    • Username: Your Surfshark service username;
    • Password: Your Surfshark service password;
    • Username Authen. Only: Unchecked;
    • Extra HMAC authorization (tls-auth): Outgoing (1);
    • Create NAT on tunnel: Checked


4. Now click on Advanced and enter the following information:

    • Poll interval: 0;
    • Redirect Internet traffic: Checked;
    • Accept DNS configuration: Strict;
    • Encryption cipher: None;
    • Compression: Disabled;
    • TLS Renegotiation Time: -1;
    • Connection retry: -1;
    • Verify server certificate (tls-remote): Unchecked;

5. Now, in Custom Configuration, enter the following text:

remote-cert-tls server
 tun-mtu 1500
 tun-mtu-extra 32
 mssfix 1450
 reneg-sec 0
 auth SHA512
 cipher AES-256-CBC
 log /tmp/vpn.log


6. Click on the Keys tab and open the configuration file you previously downloaded in the text editor. In the Static key, enter the text from <tls-auth> to </tls-auth> block. You must also include —- BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1—–and —–END OpenVPN Static key V1—– lines as well. In the Certificate Authority, enter the text from <ca> to </ca> block. You must also include —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and —–END CERTIFICATE—– lines.


7. Press the Save button to apply changes.

8. To create a connection with the Surfshark server, click on Start VPN Client 1 at the top right corner (Find the Start button at the bottom if you own an older client). Check the Status tab to make sure you are connected to Surfshark successfully.

9. If you want to consolidate your security further, you can configure DNS addresses to prevent DNS leaks. To do this, click Basic Settings > Network. Now click on WAN Settings, change DNS Server to Manual and input these addresses:


And that’s all there is to it. Now that you’ve learned how to install Surfshark on router, you can enjoy its servers to access any website/service you want on any device with strong security and no possibility of DNS leaks.

Is your Router Not VPN-Compatible in Hong Kong? Here’s How to Fix This:

To find out if your router is VPN-compatible, you either need to Google it or just go through the router’s manual. If you use an ISP modem (usually combined as a modem and router device), then it’s highly likely that you cannot use your router as a VPN client. You should set up a VPN on your Linksys router because many VPN providers only support a limited number of devices at once, which means you have to choose which devices you want to protect with the VPN. This means that only some of your devices will be able to use VPN protection.

So, if you don’t own any Surfshark-supported routers, then you need to configure third-party firmware to fix the problem. Here’s how to put Surfshark on router:

  1. Find out your router’s IP address (Click here to jump to the instructions for doing so).
  2. Then, access your router. To do this, enter your router’s IP address that you discovered in your browser’s URL bar. This would ask for your router’s username/password. You can find them on your router’s manual if you haven’t changed them to something else. (Pro tip: Users can access most routers by entering adding is username and password).
  3. Get the firmware for your router. Visit DD-WRT’s website to check if your router is supported. Find the model of your router using the search bar (In case you’re unable to find your model on DD-WRT, try out Tomato and OpenWRT).
  4. From your particular router, use DD-WRT’s site to download the bin files. This is quite significant as the process can stop the router from working or void your warranty.
  5. Look for the firmware page for installation. Various interfaces of routers have them under “Administration.” Find it by clicking around.
  6. Upload the DD-WRT bin file. Ensure that the file is right for your browser, upload it, and wait.
  7. Create a username and password. The default IP of DD-WRT is Insert it in your browser as a URL, and configure a new username and password.
  8. Ensure that your router is connected to the internet.
  9. Prepare to install the VPN. Under Services, visit the VPN tab, and click ‘Enable’ present next to ‘Start Open VPN Client’ (You can also set up Surfshark’s Wireguard protocol on your router, but we advise sticking to OpenVPN).
  10. Then, follow the steps above on how to install Surfshark on router.

If you don’t want to go through all these steps, then you can always discard your current router and get one of the Surfshark-supported routers. Then, you can use the steps on how to put Surfshark on router and enjoy a secure connection.

Installing Surfshark on a Router in Hong Kong: Pros and Cons

There are various advantages to installing Surfshark on your router. For example, you can secure your entire network simultaneously by connecting all the devices you own to a VPN-enabled router: laptops, smartphones, PCs, Smart TVs, and gaming consoles.

Surfshark offers comprehensive solutions for online security and unrestricted streaming and torrenting experiences. With its advanced features, including router VPN for streaming and router VPN for torrenting, you can enjoy fast and secure connections across all your devices, ensuring seamless access to your favorite content while maintaining your privacy.

Following are all the pros and cons of setting up a VPN on your router:

  • Complete VPN protection
  • Protects all devices on the network
  • Offers private and bufferless access to geo-restricted streaming platforms
  • Works on devices that do not natively support VPNs
  • Saves time of installing Surfshark separately on every device
  • Secures devices of guests coming to your home

  • Has a technical installation process
  • The connection between the device and router isn’t secure
  • Settings are difficult to control

As you can see, there are way more benefits to getting Surfshark on the router than disadvantages. And since your question ‘Can I install Surfshark on my router?’ has already been answered in the guide, learn how to get Surfshark on your router using the steps above.

Reasons to Install Surfshark on Router in Hong Kong

Setting up a virtual private network on your router improves your security online. You can safeguard a whole network at the same time by connecting all devices to a router: smartphones, PCs, laptops, gaming consoles, and smart TVs.

Here are some of the reasons why you need to set up Surfshark on your router:

  1. Protection from External Threats: The traditional way of using a VPN is to install it on the device that you want to protect from external threats, keep your privacy safe, and unblock websites that are censored or geo-restricted in your region.
  2. Connect Surfshark to Multiple Devices: Once you have installed Surfshark on a router, you can connect to multiple devices simultaneously, this means you can have Surfshark on Nvidia Shield or Firestick by just connecting to the router.
  3. Don’t need to Turn ON the VPN every time: Setting up a Surfshark account on the router will ensure that you always remain connected to a VPN. This way, you will never have to trouble yourself by constantly switching on and off your VPN app.
  4. No Compatibility Issues: What’s more, you can also get past any compatibility issues if you also need a VPN for some device that isn’t directly supported by Surfshark.

You can use Surfshark’s free trial to test the VPN before keeping its long-term subscription. If you find Surfshark not the right match for you, you can always cancel your Surfshark subscription and get a full refund.


Yes, you can easily configure Surfshark on most routers. A VPN router is similar to your regular router; it just comes with a VPN. So, it’s your home router, but it’s keeping your household secure.

Yes, Surfshark works with Asus routers in Hong Kong. You can learn how to set up Surfshark on your Asus-WRT router. This will be quite helpful if you own devices that are not compatible with VPNs or desire to connect all devices connected to your Wi-Fi simultaneously.

What’s more, is that you can set up Surfshark’s L2TP protocol on your router, as well as OpenVPN and WireGuard

Yes, it’s quite beneficial to configure Surfshark on your router. With a VPN router, you can protect all your devices connected to the Wi-Fi router, even the ones that do not support VPN connections. Since your location to be displayed would be the server location you chose of Surfshark, you will be able to unblock all your favorite geo-restricted platforms on any device.

You can set up Surfshark’s L2TP protocol on your router. However, we recommend OpenVPN due to its great security and easy configuration.

Final Words

Surfshark is a complete package for users seeking privacy and internet freedom. Setting up Surfshark on router will help you use it on multiple devices, browse the internet without any fear, watch any streaming service you like, and download torrents risk-free. A VPN Router can secure your entire network in one go.

All you need to do is just take a few minutes, keep a cup of freshly brewed coffee handy, and change the settings as shown above. That’s literally all it takes to enjoy unlimited online freedom and privacy with this best router VPN.

Once you get everything sorted out, you’ll no longer need to set up Surfshark on FireStick, Surfshark on Kodi, even Surfshark on Apple TV or Roku devices because you’ll always be connected to its secure encrypted servers.

We hope you liked our how-to-install Surfshark on the router guide. In case of any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below!

You can also check out our How to Install ExpressVPN router guide to get started.