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Hackers failed to gain access to Luxembourg computer systems as often as they did in the past year, however, they continued to utilize humans and their weak decision-making as a ploy for their devious acts, making such types of attacks the most successful ones, according to Post Luxembourg’s cybersecurity arm on Tuesday.

In December, there was a significant decrease in cyberattack incidents within the country. There were at least less than 50 breaches compared to last year’s statistics in the same month which consisted of nearly 180 breaches. This was reported by the state-owned delivery and telecommunications company.

These hackers used phishing as their primary mode of attack. It included sending emails or text messages to gain unauthorized access to their victims’ computer systems. Phishing is often used as a tool to make a fool out of people by making them believe a hoax link works as an authenticated one and upon clicking the link, they’re asked to register themselves thereby entering their personal details and divulging them to the hackers.

There are numerous types of phishing attacks being used in the market nowadays. The company’s cybersecurity unit said that as of late, phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated. Hence, making it easier to come up with believable links to target as many unsuspected victims as possible.

Régis Jeandin, head of CyberDefense at Post Luxembourg said:

“Human error cannot be eradicated. The risk of compromise by this vector remains important.”

The cybersecurity team went on to say that phishing includes deceiving people in an attempt to receive confidential information. Recently, these cyber criminals have picked up on using URL shorteners like or bit. or any other domains. They hope to hide behind seemingly legit domains to deceive more people and also to keep their identities protected.

Bourbon said:

“Mobiles, which today contain a great deal of valuable data, are increasingly the preferred targets of attackers.”

So far the European Union has spent millions of euros in the hopes of making the bloc less dependent on technology from China and US. The cybersecurity incidents went up by a huge margin between 2018 and 2021 according to the European Court of Auditors report in March.